
【簽證】 台灣到越南是需要簽證,除了到台灣的越南駐台北經濟文化辦事處辦理,米卡找到到越南簽證更便宜的方式,就是線上申請落地簽。



申請流程:選你要的類型→Apply now→填寫好資料→Paypal付款(使用Paypal米卡建議選擇自己要的匯率比較划算)→結束後會收到一封收到款項信件。



I applied for a single month 8 yuan US dollars, but using Paypalal pay so much a dollar, a total of nine yuan US dollars.

Application Process: You have to choose the type → Apply now → fill in → Paypal payment information (using Paypal Mika recommend to choose their own exchange rate more cost effective) will receive an e-mail after receipt of payment → end.
Next will receive a PDF of the invitation and the customs of the application form, together with India down, fill out the application form.
※ landing invitation only invite you on behalf of the Customs, the Customs will have a window, the application form and $ 45 to produce, together with the passport, the whole of the process to complete.


1. 檢查邀請函個人資訊是否正確 Double check your informaiton

2.把簽證信印出來 Print your visa invitation

3.護照大小照片兩張(就是兩吋) Two photos same with passport

4.搭飛機要給航空公司地勤看 Show visa invitatoin to aircraft ground

5.只有越南三個機場才可以辦理,河內Noi Bai Airport、胡志明Tan Son Nhat Airport、硯港Danang Airport. Only Noi Bai/Tan Son Nhat/Danang Airport can use it.

6.自行準備美金(建議準備剛剛好45美金,海關也會找零). Prepare 45USD

7.護照有效期限至少要六個月,簽證邀請函資料要和護照正確.Passport valid for a period of at least six months, visa and passport invitation To correct.


(米卡下載填寫好,但他們表格格式換新的,我又再現場填寫一次) They form new ones, I re-enter in the field


1. 我有看到有人沒帶大頭照,海關自帶相機幫他們重新拍照 If you forget bring your photos , they will take photos for you .

2. 我是2015.07去,簽證政策常在改變,如有新資訊,也可以跟米卡反映。Visa policy always change , if different , response to Mika.

【網頁流程】Apply Vietnam online

▲選擇你要的簽證類型 Choose single or multiple visa


▲選擇人數和簽證型態與服務時間  People and visa and time


▲填寫個人資料 Enter your personal informaiton


▲使用以上發卡銀行信用卡付款 Confirm using credit/debit card pay fee


▲再次確認你的個人訊息 Double check your informaiton


▲接下來Paypal付款,就會收到落地簽證邀請函了。 Paypal pay the fee , then receive Visa invitation.


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